Friday, August 27, 2010

Opening Remarks...


I guess this is what my blog is about. I tend to take people seriously for their words, so I respond emotionally to what they write or say and naturally, I tend to respond or comment a lot on what others write... so much so that I have been advised to try out my hand at blogging, to kind of develop my hobby into a talent.

Since I am not exactly keen on starting a new movement, and do not consider myself a leader of thoughts and opinion, I will limit the contents of my blog to my reactions, comments and opinions on matters and issues raised by others.

Certainly, there will be some bias in the issues I will pay attention to, for instance; who was greater, Elvis of MJ would probably not feature on this blog, but the self-destructive habits they both formed in the course of their careers is worth documenting for all time, not so?

I hope my intentions have been made clear enough. For those who are already friends on FB, or have previously known me, there is little need for an introduction. This blog will be true to the all what I've always believed in, and cared about.



  1. Welcome to blogsville! Plenty things to write about, look forward to reading your posts.

  2. Welcome. Blogville's spotlights are on you...
